About US
John and Weizer
This is us.  We’re living large on the boat Freedom.  I’m the captain, she’s the admiral. I’m a web and video developer, she’s a nurse.  We traded money for lifestyle when we moved about the boat in July 2006.
Freedom is a PT38 trawler built in Taiwan in 1985.  It’s 38 feet long and 13 feet wide.  It’s slow, really slow!  I’m talking about 8 knots per hour. (That’s 10 mph for the non-boaters) We’ve been fixing her up to be comfortable and safe.  We sold the house, moved our treasures into storage and put the rest of our stuff on the boat.  We’ve got a couple of folding bikes (that I call clown bikes) and they serve as ground transportation.  We have a small boat the hangs off the back of the mother ship and I call that the car.
We have a computer but no television.  When we get tired of our backyard, we move the boat to a new one.  It’s not a lifesyle for everyone, but we’re enjoying it very much.  

We put this site together to communicate with family and friends, If you stumbled across it surfing the net, be our guests and enjoy yourself.
John and Weizer